Sunday, May 4, 2014

Three Cups Of Tea

Three Cups of Tea is a book about a man named Greg Mortenson who helps children in Pakistan. This story is non-fiction which means that a real man named Greg helped many kids go to school. In this story Greg had been trying to climb the second tallest mountain in the world, K2, but he took the wrong turn and went off the trail! While he was trying to find his way back to the trail, he comes across a village where many people greet him. The  chief of this village Haji Ali let him stay there. While Greg stayed at that village he took a tour and realised how much different USA was from
Pakistan. At the US and other places we have schools that are actual buildings and we are safe there but in Pakistan there was no building but kids sitting on the ground and listening to the teacher. Greg was so thankful, they were poor and still took him in. He decided to do something, to build a school. How will he do this? To find out read the book,  THREE CUPS OF TEA.
Three Cups of Tea


  1. After the scandal broke out I should say this one is partly fiction...but a very inspiring story.

  2. Cool review, Esha!
    A real eye opener about living conditions on the other side of the globe, isn't it? I've read the adult version of the book, would definitely recommend the young readers version to Nitin.

  3. Cool! You messed up on the title of the post, though.

  4. wow the story sounds good! i'll definetly read it!
