Thursday, February 12, 2015

Funny picture

I fall a squirrel was near my porch window And this is what he did:

Funny Right?

Friday, February 6, 2015

Paragraph of the week!

The weekend is here and it is time for my weekly story!
I decide that it would be cool to write a paragraph of a story I am writing every weekend!
so here it is:

The woods were cold and dark It felt like nothing could live there but every one knows that something does. Joe, Sarah and Lily where brother and sisters, who had wandered into Sharp Creek Forest (which was known to be haunted). The group heard nothing but their soggy sneakers on mushy mud. Suddenly they felt like they were being watched they turned around to see nothing that's when they couldn't hear the mud sound but the sound of  scraping feet against a sidewalk. They look up and saw a huge rickety, old mansion.

That's all!