Sunday, November 2, 2014

Anatomy of a lego

At school we are learning about the human body and have you ever wondered what a Lego's anatomy would look like?

 A man named Jason Freeny made this sculpture I found the picture on Isn't it cool?

Happy Halloween!

Halloween is a lot of fun! I was a Minion (from Despicable Me) and my sister was Anna (from Frozen). Did you know Halloween came from many different holidays?

Read more at Time For Kids

Tuesday, July 1, 2014



The tree as tall as the sun
With sparkling emerald leaves
Shade everyone
Enjoying beauty
And in the night 
Glowing bugs buzz
As if they're dancing

Green trees, Green trees

The shine is dim 
But beautiful
Like a very old light bulb

Shining dim, Shining dim
The peaceful chirping of
Crickets and bugs
Keep the night awake
Awake, awake

Feeling of mystical magic
Float in my head
While wondering how beautiful it is

~ By Esha  

Monday, May 5, 2014

Let It Go ( different ways )

These are to different and cool versions of "Let it Go" the song from the movie Frozen. One is the Multi-language it has 25 different languages it sound really cool! But the next one I really liked, it is a man singing 'Let It Go' but in different Disney characters voices.

Art Show

My pottery got selected for an art show in my school district. I did a pottery flower, we were focusing on Georgia O' Keefe. This famous artist's draws close- ups on natural still life. We learned that she would drive around in desserts finding natural objects she could draw close-ups on. She normally did not make pottery. I was very excited to meet my friend, her art work was selected too!

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Three Cups Of Tea

Three Cups of Tea is a book about a man named Greg Mortenson who helps children in Pakistan. This story is non-fiction which means that a real man named Greg helped many kids go to school. In this story Greg had been trying to climb the second tallest mountain in the world, K2, but he took the wrong turn and went off the trail! While he was trying to find his way back to the trail, he comes across a village where many people greet him. The  chief of this village Haji Ali let him stay there. While Greg stayed at that village he took a tour and realised how much different USA was from
Pakistan. At the US and other places we have schools that are actual buildings and we are safe there but in Pakistan there was no building but kids sitting on the ground and listening to the teacher. Greg was so thankful, they were poor and still took him in. He decided to do something, to build a school. How will he do this? To find out read the book,  THREE CUPS OF TEA.
Three Cups of Tea

Thursday, April 10, 2014

March is Reading Month

 March is reading Month  that you should consider to remember to read but you should always  read every day. Reading can take your imagination to different levels. For example, a good book might be so good that it is if you believe you are the main character of the book.  At school we did something called  book commercials. Book commercials are so you can recommend a book to the class. I recommended a book called "Who Could it Be at This Hour" by Lemony Snicket, one of my friend recommended books that I read like "Trading Faces" by Julia DeVillers & Jennifer Roy. I enjoyed it and also read all the other books in that series.

After you do a book commercial you get to draw a mustache on your picture hanging in our hallway!

Tuesday, April 8, 2014


I like to make posters. This is one of the recent posters I made:

 ~ esha

Spring Break!

Spring Break!

Time to relax through the whole day maybe play outside, invite a friend to come over,or just have plain fun like maybe playing video games or just a nice board game. Spring Break is a break from school how do you think your teacher thinks about spring break; does she/he hate it or think its fine?
 What about you are you a big fan why or why not?

~ Esha

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

The Lego Movie- Review

  The Lego Movie was really funny!It was full of action, adventure, and comedy! Emmet, the construction worker was played by Chris Patt. Emmet was a normal Lego person, but then discovers that he is the chosen one, he must stop President Businesses (played by Will Ferrel) evil ways to save all creative building! Emmet and Wyldstyle (played by Elizabeth Banks) try to save all of Lego World from being frozen forever! It took 5 years to make the movie, the people who made the fist Lego movie are already starting to make Lego Movie 2 which may come out in 2017! Most of the movie was made by animation but parts of the setting was build out of real Lego's! I can't wait to watch the Lego Movie 2!    

Painting- short story

When I fist heard we were going to paint my room I could not wait! I just had to do everything right away, at first I was so jumpy and excited to start but after a few weeks I got tired of it.

Then I started to hear more and more word about painting from my parents. And that's how I heard about painting then they started to ask me...

"What colors do you want for your room?" The more and more trips to Lowe's the store to buy paint and supplies. I really liked looking at the different shades of colors to use, me and my sister picked blue and pink!

Now comes the fun part, PANTING! I got to paint small parts of the room but then my dad did the rest. I got to use the roller to paint!

One of the rooms we were painting was a chevron pattern and the other room had a tree trunk and some small animals.

Some supplies you might want to get are a roller, painters' tape, paint, a mat so the paint doesn't get on the floor and a pole to extend the roller.

When I first started painting I thought it was going to be hard but it proved to be fun and easy!

my room
play room


Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Book Review of Wonder

This book called Wonder is by R.J. Palacio. A boy named August Pullman has a deformed face no one treats him normally he is always bullied because of how his face looks like. Ten year old August is going to join Beecher Prep. Now he thinks all of his  problems are about to become worse! August learns about friendship, he makes two true friends Summer and Jack. They go on many adventures and August's school year is turning out to be the best year ever! I would recommend this book to anyone who likes realistic fiction. I thought that this book is trying to tell you that you shouldn't judge a book (or person) by its cover.


Saturday, January 25, 2014

Rainbow Loom Braclet Video

Rainbow Loom Leaf Bracelet

This is my own Rainbow loom bracelet that I created. It is called the Leaf Bracelet.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Yellow Submarine

Have you ever heard the band "The Beatlels". Well if you have you might have heard of the album called the "Yellow Submarine" it has a collection of The Beatles Best songs like, Stg. Peppers, Lonely Hearts, Club Band. My favorite song was Yellow Submarine, this is how the the song goes...

In the town where I was born
Lived a man who sailed to sea
And he told us of his life
In the land of submarines

So we sailed up to the sun
Till we found the sea of green
And we lived beneath the waves
In our yellow submarine

We all live in a yellow submarine
Yellow submarine, yellow submarine
We all live in a yellow submarine
Yellow submarine, yellow submarine

And our friends are all on board
Many more of them live next door
And the band begins to play

We all live in a yellow submarine
Yellow submarine, yellow submarine
We all live in a yellow submarine
Yellow submarine, yellow submarine
This is my watercolor painting of the Yellow Submarine. The graphics on this album was done by Heinz Edelmann who created the illustrations and art directed the animated Yellow Submarine in 1968. 

In iBooks I found a book called the Yellow Submarine which was a nice interactive ebook with animated graphics.  What I got out of the story is the world is better with music. Sure it is!!

Sunday, January 5, 2014

A water color painting

This is a picture I drew after reading the picture book with my sister "There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Trout! by Teri Sloat and illustrated by Reynold Ruffins. I liked the way their lakes and rivers were drawn. I think this book is like"There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly" I would recommend these books to people if they like to draw or if  you just like to read.



Owl, owl with your big green eyes
Have you ever told a lie?
Your coat of feathers, soft as silk
Do you like creamy milk?
My mother said "don't go out at night!"
It's no fair, you get to go and find little mice.
Owl, owl with your big green eyes

This is something that I wrote in 3rd grade.
