Sunday, April 19, 2015

Flower Pot

Yesterday it was warm outside so I decided to paint or plant something, and I ended up painting a flower pot!

Materials I Used
  • Craft Smart Acrylic Paint ( colors I used: Turquoise, White, & Dark Yellow)  you can do any colors you like
  • Size 8 paint brush (size does not matter)
  • Small pot
This is very basic. First I painted the entire pot Turquoise I didn't do the inside. After that let it dry. When it is dry you can start the flowers which where pretty hard for me. Paint a circle the size of your fingernail (thumb) with Dark Yellow, do this multiple times around the pot make sure to have some going of the edge to make it look even, then leave to dry. Now make petals, again the size of your fingernail on your thumb, do this in White then let it dry. After that you are done!
I forget to make a design around my pots rim you don't have to! 

Flower pot I painted

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