Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Dont Let It Shine!

This is a poem I made with some friend it goes to the tune of Let it Go from the movie Frozen.

Don't Let It Shine

The grass glows green in my yard tonight 
Not a flurry to be seen 
A kingdom of heat and sun shine 
And I don't want to be queen

The sun is burning like a toaster inside
All the lakes and trees, they look all dried

The lights to bright, nothing can be seen 
Be a good girl and always wear sun screen
Conceal don't feel don't let it burn 
Well now I'm burnt!

Don't let it shine, Don't let it shine 
Can't bare it anymore
Don't let it shine, Don't let it shine 
Get inside and drink some more

I don't care 
What they're going to say 
Just 'cause they're playing out
Doesn't mean I have to play 

"Let it Go"

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