Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Dont Let It Shine!

This is a poem I made with some friend it goes to the tune of Let it Go from the movie Frozen.

Don't Let It Shine

The grass glows green in my yard tonight 
Not a flurry to be seen 
A kingdom of heat and sun shine 
And I don't want to be queen

The sun is burning like a toaster inside
All the lakes and trees, they look all dried

The lights to bright, nothing can be seen 
Be a good girl and always wear sun screen
Conceal don't feel don't let it burn 
Well now I'm burnt!

Don't let it shine, Don't let it shine 
Can't bare it anymore
Don't let it shine, Don't let it shine 
Get inside and drink some more

I don't care 
What they're going to say 
Just 'cause they're playing out
Doesn't mean I have to play 

"Let it Go"

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Bird Feeder

Spring is here, and to celebrate I made a spring bird fedder!

Materials I Used 
  • Bird feeder kit
  • Craft Smart Turquoise & White Acrylic Paint
  • Black Brush Tip Sharpie
  • Red sharpie
  • Metallic Gold Oil Based Sharpie
  • Bird Feed and stick
  • String
  • Few paint brushes
I first painted the entire bird feeder Turquoise (except inside). Then when dry I used the Metallic Gold sharpie and made branches on the sides to make it look cool. Also made flowers with the black and a red dot in the middle of each flower. For the finishing touches I used a size 3/0 paint brush (very small and thin) and made white dots in the middle if the black petals, and I also inserted the stick through the holes on the sides and wrote 'Spring!' on the bottom!
And it was done!
Most of my materials where from Michaels

My bird feeder hanging on a tree

Flower Pot

Yesterday it was warm outside so I decided to paint or plant something, and I ended up painting a flower pot!

Materials I Used
  • Craft Smart Acrylic Paint ( colors I used: Turquoise, White, & Dark Yellow)  you can do any colors you like
  • Size 8 paint brush (size does not matter)
  • Small pot
This is very basic. First I painted the entire pot Turquoise I didn't do the inside. After that let it dry. When it is dry you can start the flowers which where pretty hard for me. Paint a circle the size of your fingernail (thumb) with Dark Yellow, do this multiple times around the pot make sure to have some going of the edge to make it look even, then leave to dry. Now make petals, again the size of your fingernail on your thumb, do this in White then let it dry. After that you are done!
I forget to make a design around my pots rim you don't have to! 

Flower pot I painted